Monday, January 26, 2015

Homework: Week of January 26 - January 30

- Math and Literacy Packets are due Friday. 
- No Spelling this week. 
- Study for the Simple Machines Test on Friday. 
- Complete Simple Machines study Guide for extra credit/bonus points. 

Simple Machines Test

The science test on Simple Machines will be Friday, January 30th. In class today, students were given vocabulary cards, a vocabulary word list, and a packet of simple machines examples as their study materials. A study guide will be coming soon. Remember, study guides are always an opportunity for extra credit/bonus points.

In case your child didn't bring home those materials as instructed, vocabulary terms are provided here (See the Science & Socials studies page). 

Important Dates: January 26 - January 30

Day 5
Math Benchmark
Day 6
Early Dismissal
Fraction Quiz
Day 7
No School – Teacher Workday

Day 8
Thursday folders

Day 1
Math & Literacy Packets due
Simple Machines Test

1/26/15                 MATH BENCHMARK
1/27/15                 Early Dismissal (Teacher Workday)
1/28/15                 No school for students (Teacher Workday)
1/30/15                 Report Cards coming home, Field trip to KGHS

Friday, January 23, 2015

ATTENTION! - There is Homework this weekend!

Weekend Homework due Monday, January 23

1. Math Packet 

As preparation for the Math Benchmark on Monday, students were given a math packet to complete over the weekend. 

2. Practice multiplication flash cards for 10 minutes. 

Students are still struggling to recall their multiplication facts. We need to keep practicing so that we can quickly recall them as they are needed for all the multiplication and division we do!

- Thursday folders did NOT go out this week! Look for them to come home next week.

- Math Benchmark is on Monday, January 23.  

Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before his or her benchmark. In the morning, make sure they eat a healthy breakfast. If you'd like to send a water bottle and healthy snack (i.e. granola bars) with your students that is fine! We want to make sure our class does their very best!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Homework for the week of January 20 - January 23

Math and Literacy Packets are due Friday, January 23rd 

Spelling Homework:
Tuesday - 3x each & spelling sort
Wednesday - ABC order & spelling sort
Thursday - 10 sentences & study for spelling test
Friday - no homework! Day of Spelling Test!

Return Thursday folders
Return field trip forms and money if you have not already done so

Monday, January 12, 2015

Important January Dates

Upcoming Dates:

  • January 16 - Q2 Reading Benchmark
  • January 19 - NO SCHOOL (MLK Jr)
  • January 23 - PES Spelling Bee (We will have our class bee this week, and our grade level bee early next week)
  • January 26 - Q2 Math Benchmark 
  • January 27 - Early Dismissal (Teacher Workday)
  • January 28 - No School for Students (Teacher Workday)
  • January 30 - Report Cards coming home; Field Trip to KGHS 
Happy Birthday Allyson, Aisha, and DJ!

Homework for the week of January 12 - January 16

Math and Literacy Packets will be due on Friday, January 16th. 

There is NO SPELLING homework this week!

Monday night: Matter Study guide due tomorrow (Tuesday) & study for your Science Test

Thursday night: Return Thursday folders, finish packets, rest up for Benchmark 

Other: Return field trip forms and money if you have not already done so.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Science Test: Matter

We are testing on our Matter Unit on Tuesday, January 13th. Please have your child use his/her vocabulary cards, study guide, and Science textbook to review for the test. 

Extra Credit Opportunity: Students will receive extra credit/bonus points if they compete and turn in the Matter Study Guide on the day of the test! 

Key vocabulary - matter, solid, liquid, gas, atom, physical property, physical change, chemical change

Winter Weather

Brrrrrrr! It's been quite chilly outside and we've been enjoying many days of indoor recess. However, when the weather is not below freezing, we do try to get outside for at least part of our recess time to take a break and get some fresh air. Please be sure that your child comes to school each day dressed warm with a coat and hats/gloves/scarves.

Q2 Benchmark Testing


Our Reading Benchmark is this Friday, January 16th. Please be sure your child gets plenty of sleep on Thursday and that he/she eats a healthy breakfast on Friday morning. 

In class this week, we will be preparing for our Benchmark and reviewing all of our comprehension and word analysis skills. 

Our Math Benchmark will be January 26th

Winter Break Reading Challenge - Extra Credit!

Students were given an extra credit opportunity to complete over Winter Break. Students were supposed to complete 10 reading challenges (each worth 20 minutes) and decorate the picture. Examples of fun reading challenges include: read in front of the fireplace, read under the table, read in your pajamas, read to your pet, and many more! Students who complete this challenge will receive extra credit in reading. This challenge was due when we returned to school after break; however, I extended the due date. Please have your child turn this in as soon as possible if he/she has not already done so. 

Happy Reading!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Welcome Back!

Happy New Year

I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday and a relaxing winter break from school. Thank you so much for all of the goodies that we were able to enjoy at our holiday party, and thank you so much to all of the parents that were able to join us. You all were a huge help!

As we get back into the routine of school, we will be gearing up for the next round of benchmark tests for reading and math. They will take place this month! I will be sure to let you know the dates as soon as possible.